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Issue 1.3

Table Of Contents

Issue 1.3 (December/January 2002)

Column REALbasic Expands Market: Thoughts from the Publisher (Page 5)
News News (Page 6)
Review zegsRuler (Page 8)
Review vCard Reader (Page 8)
Review Undo Engine (Page 9)
Review Profile: iOrganizer 2 (Page 9)
Review RB Codex Online (Page 10)
Review Book: Learning REALbasic Through Applications (Page 10)
Column Archipelago: Weblog Editor (Page 11)
Feature Interview: Geoff Perlman (Page 13)
Feature Book Excerpt: REALbasic for Macintosh: Visual Quickstart Guide (Page 15)
Column Build a First-Person Shooter in REALbasic (Page 18)
Column QuickTime for Fun and Folly: The new QuickTime features in REALbasic 4.5 (Page 25)
Column Database Design: Entities, Attributes and Relationships (Page 27)
Column Welcome to the REALbasic Developer Magazine Beginner's Corner! (Page 28)
Column Advanced Techniques: Object Oriented Programming in REALbasic (Page 30)
Column Ask The Experts (Page 32)
Column Sorting, Part 2: Heaps of Fun (Page 34)
Column Improving Object Communication (Page 36)
Column Windows Specialties: Some special things to notice for Windows (Page 37)
Column Lights, Camera, Action!: Mastering RB3DSpace's Camera object and light properties (Page 38)
Column Day 3: Coding the Interface (Page 40)
Column Controlling other applications using AppleEvents: Control other programs using Apple Events (Page 42)
Column Instant Cocoa (Page 43)
Column The Case of the Mixed State, Part II: Detectives Marsh and Sanders are hot on the trail of a developer who is using advanced interface techniques... or is he? (Page 44)


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